Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Garden Designs

 Garden Designs
We believe that Aquaponics should be at the heart of any new urban, patio or garden design.

Gardens with 'use' are becoming increasingly popular. Technology is improving which means that our gardens have greater potential to have a particular use.

Aquaponics means the growing of fish and plants together which can be done in a compact and efficient manner. No soil is used and you will not have to feed the plants or water them.

Aquaponics combines aquaculture (fish farming) and hydroponic (growing plants without soil). In aquaponics, the nutrient-rich water that is produced by raising fish (to eat or admire) provides a source of natural fertiliser for the growing plants. When the plants take up the nutrients, they purify the water that the fish live in. This creates a sustainable micro ecosystem where both plants and fish can thrive. Aquaponics is widely regarded as the most efficient form of gardening known. The benefits are as follows:

Systems are compact and efficient and are therefore ideal for homegrown food production.

No weeding, pesticides or fertilizers are required

They are completely natural and organic

Plants and fish grow rapidly

Uses less that 10% of the water required for conventional gardening

They make gardening available to a wide range of people who may have found it difficult due to urban environments, disabled etc.

They are innovative and creative and therefore generally appealing.

This means that you can create amazing concepts which involve fish (to admire or to eat) and plants at the same time. Its the perfect roof top gardening system. It lends itself equally to the commercial grower as it does to someone who only has a small patio.

Aquaponic systems have a number of advantages which means that they will become an increasing part of new garden designs in the UK. They are compact, they don't use soil, they are organic, they use only 10% of the water normally used in gardening and they don't use fertiliser or pesticides.

They pretty much run themselves to. Apart from feeding the fish and picking the plants there really is not much more you need to do with them. Because the system waters and feeds itself the plants grow amazingly well - much faster than normal gardens.

It will be up to the designers to consider how they incorporate the systems but they will have fun doing so. If you need any further advice or suggestion please do not hesitate to contact us


  1. My source of new ideas for my garden is a photo slideshow on website of one of the Property Landscape Maintenance companies in Vancouver,BC.

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